We are the Body of Christ: Serving our community with the good news of Jesus Christ,
and the transforming love of God the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Whidbey Presbyterian Church
We are the Body of Christ: Serving our community with the good news of Jesus Christ,
and the transforming love of God the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Adult Sunday School Meets Each Sunday at 8:45 am.
From March 16—April 20, Dave Crawford will lead us in the video presentation of “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” By Philip Yancey. This study emphasizes that grace extends to all individuals, regardless of their actions, and forgives even the most unforgivable sins. Grace challenges conventional norms by getting close to sinners and offering them mercy and hope. We meet in the blue house at 8:45 each Sunday morning. Join us!